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Get some sleep! Ergonomically

An adult person sleeps on average 1/3 of their life, so 7-8 hours a day. This is also the recommended amount of sleep needed to keep the body working properly. Some people believe that sleep is a waste of time and an unproductive part of life. Nothing could be more wrong - during sleep, the body regenerates, regulates the work of hormones and prepares for productive work the next day. Sleeping less than 6 hours a day disrupts the functioning of many body systems, including the hormonal balance, which may lead to a greater risk of obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. In addition, people who do not get enough sleep are more nervous and irritable more easily, moreover, they have problems with concentration and cope with stress worse. In addition to the appropriate number of hours spent on night rest, it is also worth taking care of sleep hygiene.

Choosing the right mattress

An improperly selected mattress can cause back pain. If it is too hard, physiotherapists say it can cause pain at pressure points such as the hips, pelvis and arms. If it is too soft and does not support you, you may experience discomfort in the neck, shoulder, middle and lower back areas.

It's best to find a golden mean and choose a mattress with a medium degree of firmness and, above all, one that is comfortable. Regardless of the circumstances, mattresses begin to lose their properties after 7-10 years, and even earlier if they are not of good quality. So, if you are considering buying a mattress, here are some great tips:

👉Do not rush to buy a mattress or buy under pressure. It is worth testing several different models with different degrees of hardness, lie on your back, on your stomach and on your side and see if it is comfortable.

👉If you sleep on your back, the mattress should provide such support so that the natural "S" shape of your spine is retained when you lie down. Place your hand flat, with the inside down, into the hollow of your back. If you have a hard time squeezing your hand in, the mattress is probably too soft because the back is "rounding", and if the gap is so large that you can turn your hand, the mattress is too hard to support your back. Your hand should slide under your back and touch them, it fits perfectly there.

👉If you are lying on your side, your spine should remain straight - as if you are standing erect. Ask your partner or someone standing to the side to check it out.

The pillow is the basis

The head is quite heavy and the average person weighs between 4.5 and 6.3 kilograms. It puts a lot of strain on the neck muscles, so it is very important to find a pillow that provides adequate support during sleep. A well-chosen pillow should keep the head and neck in line with the spine, just as in a standing position. How to check if the pillow is doing its job properly?

👉If you sleep on your side, slide your hand next to the bed under your neck and make sure it is not tilted up or down. If it is raised - the pillow is too high, lowered - the pillow is too low for you. The pillow should be sized to fill the space between the top of your arm and your head.

👉If you sleep on your back, put your hand under your neck to check if it is raised or lowered. The forehead and chin should be on the same level.

Sleeping on the stomach is the worst position for the nape of the neck, and most experts say that if that's really the case, you should sleep without a pillow.

👉If you suffer from persistent neck pain, you can try an orthopedic pillow. Research has shown that it supports the neck and maintains the correct curvature of the neck better than down pillows or memory-shape pillows.

Correct room temperature

In order for our brain to receive an impulse to start producing melatonin (the sleep hormone) in the evening, our body temperature should drop by about 1 degree. Many years ago, before there was central heating and warming in our homes, our body experienced a gradual drop in temperature at dusk. Now, however, when we shelter in an unnaturally warm environment, our brain is deprived of a clear signal to produce the sleep hormone.

The ideal temperature in the bedroom is around 18 degrees Celsius. If it is higher, it is worth turning on the thermostat, turning off the radiator or letting in some fresh air.

Reduce blue light

Any bright light hinders the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, while blue light, the emitted screens of tablets, computers and phones inhibit its production to the greatest extent. In a study published in Chronobiology International, scientists from the University of Haifa and a sleep clinic subjected participants to blue or red light emitted by computer screens from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. - just as the body begins to produce melatonin. Those exposed to blue light produced less melatonin, slept less, and had restless sleep. It also found that #blue light stops the body from triggering the natural process of lowering body temperature.

When exposed to red light, the organism of the participants behaved naturally - it produced melatonin, and its temperature decreased, which ensured better and longer sleep.

Blue light seriously interferes with the production of the sleep hormone, so it is worth giving up electronic devices 2-3 hours before going to bed. If this is not available, use the display's night mode or install special programs that make the screen emit yellowish or red light.

Commuting, sitting at a desk, lying on the couch: statistics show that some sit an average of 7 to 10 hours a day. It is worth starting the day with morning gymnastics, which will prepare the body for the loads taken during the day and stimulate the muscles to work. Several stretches performed immediately after waking up will improve your well-being and performance.

Long sitting causes a whole list of health problems such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, and also increases the risk of pain syndromes in the spine and many joints of our body. Besides, it won't be easy to fall asleep after a long day in a static position. According to specialists, for every 45 minutes of sedentary work there should be a 5-minute break for short activity, for example in the form of stretching and mobilization. Keep this in mind, and despite your many responsibilities at work, take care of your health and well-being. Try setting an alarm to remind you to get up and walk every hour.


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