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Is it worth counting calories?

Low-fat, low-calorie diet is considered by many to be healthy and suitable for weight loss. In a way it is true, but it all depends on how you view the composition of your "slimming" menu and from what you subtract any excess calories and/or fat.

"Light" products

Food manufacturers are well aware of ways to make defatted foods look appetizing and just as delicious as their fatty counterparts. To make up for the lost flavor (during the skimming process) they often add more sugar, stabilizers, thickeners and/or other artificial additives.

Will you gain health or figure benefits by relying on these types of products?

- Not necessarily.

Energy density vs. nutrient density

Since fat itself (1g = 9kcal) is more calorific than sugar (1g = 4kcal), foods with the slogan "light 0%" will usually have a lower energy value and therefore will often be considered "diet", "healthy" or even "slimming", but as it turns out - nothing could be further from the truth!

Simply counting calories without paying attention to the nutritional value of the food is disastrous in the long run.

In the long run, it can affect your health, general well-being and also affect your concentration at work. Low calorie diets are not effective because they usually do not teach you proper eating habits. If after a monotonous, restrictive diet you go back to your beloved kaisers, cookies, crisps, chocolates and sweet drinks - don't be surprised if the weight comes back to the starting point or even exceeds the one before the reduction.

Unfortunately, by restricting calories on your own or following the fashionable "hunger pangs", you are not providing the right amount of protein, needed fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Based only on the number of calories you may have problems with maintaining your dream silhouette for other reasons than positive calorie balance!

Not all calories are equal

Calories aren't everything. Making the right dietary decisions depends on how you evaluate foods. For example: 10% Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts will be better for your figure than "0% fruit yogurt", similarly low-calorie chips with reduced fat content will be worse for your health and figure than high-calorie peanut butter or fatty avocado.

Always rely on what is closer to nature - less processed, with fewer flavour enhancers (including sugar) - this is the key to a healthy diet.

Success is about healthy habits not sacrifices!

Calorie count is one of the less important elements in evaluating what you eat!

Much more important are:

  • health-promoting properties = nutrient density

  • glycemic load of the meal

  • the right balance of macro components in the overall menu

  • adjustment of calories and macronutrients to your needs!

The above will have a positive effect on your health = proper functioning of your body:

  • hormonal balance

  • stable sugar metabolism

  • a well-functioning digestive system

  • metabolism at an optimal level

These are prerequisites for a proportional figure, which can be achieved not with a low-calorie but with a sensible and steady diet!


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